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Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Another busy week *sigh* I wish I have a pause button for life.
Have you ever think about “the what ifs, the shoulda coulda woulda?”
I do it all the time in my head
I wish for the what ifs
Waiting, anticipating the Disney moment: when dreams come true!
I actually just wanted things that I don’t have… I can’t have; the not yets, the never wills.

As cliché as it is: Things happen for a reason.
The road that I took make me who I am today and Now is definitely better than Then :)
As much as I hate the ride, I can’t say I never enjoyed it.
And no matter how long the ride goes, I know I’m fueled up with love and my destination is worth it!

“You go before me
You shield my way
Your hands uphold me
I know You love me”


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