Pronunciation: \ˈgrāt-fəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: obsolete grate pleasing, thankful, from Latin gratus — more at grace
Date: 1552
1 a : appreciative of benefits received b : expressing gratitude
2 a : affording pleasure or contentment : pleasing b : pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated

Today is my birthday *yayyy!!!*
So last night i got a lil' time just to have a rewind of what happened to me this year and past years...
A sister of Christ wrote this question one day on her post: Are you following God for His present or for His presence?
On one of my bible study each of use were to give summary/highlights of what happened this year and to give thanks for it. But come to think of it i don't have any really, i don't have a significant highlights. Some of us were married this year or engaged or got a new job but none of those stuffs are happening/applied to me :(
But this year i learned so much about God's faithfulness and His presence through it all. I learned so much about faith and hope in God. I learned so much about preserverance and being faithful. Learned patience in waiting, Learning to trust, to be humble, to be unselfish and that is always good to love more (I'm still learning, not yet an expert :p) Got my relationship restored, got the support i need from my loved ones :)
On my other bible study, we were asked to list out God's blessing (if we can't think of one, we should look at the life of those who are less fortunate than us). Whoa! that makes a difference isn't it? Most of the time i'll look up or look around me but i've never look down. It is a blessing for having a good family, being raised as a Christian, having the privilege to study in America, having the experience working in here and giving the chance in ministry at church and the list goes on...
God reminded me again this year: Nana, doesn't matter if you receive/not receive the gift that you want under the Christmas tree, you have already received the greatest gift of all: Jesus Christ and i'm forever grateful :)
God had made my birthday more special since 3 years ago :)
- december 16, 2007: ci kiki shared the news that she's pregnant in our bible study, full of tears-session T.T
- december 16, 2008: i got to celebrate it with my bible study group + baby maxie
- december 16, 2009: i got to celebrate it again with baby maxie this year!
God has shown Himself through the life of ci kiki and fam and over the years it inspires me in many ways. Thank you for being such a blessing and thank you for letting me be a part of it :)
I'm closing this with a song by hillsong - through it all
the story of my life is that God's with me through it all :)
1 comment:
Woah... I just read this *teary eyes* YOU are certainly one of the sweetest blessing for our family. Much love
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