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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Renewed like eagles

So have you ever wonder why?
Renewed like eagles?
Why eagles?

I recently went to a family gathering just 2 days before new year and heard this short sermon taken from Psalm and in the verse there this ever-so familiar "renewed like the eagle's" phrase

So if you don't already know: Eagle goes through a molting process
according to dictionary molting is (of a bird or animal) to lose feathers, skin or hair as a natural process at a particular time of year so that new feathers, skin or hair can grow

This is a time of renewal and restoration for the eagle. At least once in their lifetime an eagle must go through the molting stage. The reason they must do this is because their feathers become dull and they lose their ability to take the eagle high in the sky. His beak also becomes dull and not capable of hunting food. His talons have lost their strength and power. Therefore what they must do is to come to ground level and many of them never survive this molting process. They humble themselves and lie on the ground and pull out all of those bad feathers. They actually scrape their beak on a rock or something like that until it comes off and a new one starts growing. They also do the same thing with their talons. They take their beaks and actually pull their old talons off. And then new talons also start growing. By the time spring comes around they have renewed their feathers, their beaks, their talons and their strength. They are ready then to do what an eagle is born to do. And that is to fly and be a fierce fighter. They are ready to protect their young and to live high in the sky on the tops of the mountains.

This approximately 10+ weeks process will give the eagle another 10+ years of life
Isn't that amazing?
As i research about this, i found useful and encouraging articles if you have time to dig and read :) it helps to understand the bible better :')

Soaring like eagles
Eagle's renewal
The molting process

I hope in this new year we can get renewed
and still be faithful until we're restored


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