i was planning to post this one exactly on my b'day like i did last year, but i failed to do so since i was so so busy with celebrations :p and practices and work - -"
Before i wrote this post i just peek at my post last year, if you would re-read: "grateful"
This year, God's teaching me a lot about being content and by His grace i would say this year i'm happy :'} Looking back, i know that sometimes God's command seems hard/impossible to do (like forgiveness or being content, etc) but it is really for our own good because the peace that comes after is just so rewarding.
On friday a week before my b'day, ci santi's friend: Pira was speaking about this topic and he used Phil 4. I grew up with the verse : 13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." i was a very pessimistic and all-time-worrier kid, i remember my mom would just repeat that verse over and over at the table during breakfast and dinner, before every exam, test, check-up or any major event that freak me out. Yup, in english! So even though i don't purposely plan to memorize it, it gets to me.
So Pira broke down the verse, it's NOT about I CAN, or DO ALL THINGS but it is about THROUGH CHRIST! and it is about the importance of knowing/understand the prior verses, which i never pay attention to - -"
"11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the SECRET of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."
Now when Paul wrote the book of Philippians, he was in prison T.T and yet he showed such great faith! what is his SECRET? the secret is on verse 13 which it THROUGH CHRIST <3
A lot of admirable people i know would start a line by saying: "by God's grace, I..." and now i think i know what that means :) and everyone can say it too and start living it if you know the secret :)
i'm still learning too, and i will probably fall again and again, but i'll try to embrace the secret and knowing that i can do all thing THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me.
i thank God for such a HAPPY b'day this year :'} along with all the added bonus (loving friends and family <3 <3 <3) + 3 cakes!!!

Note to self:
and the end of the chapter, Paul wrote:
"20 To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen."
Above all else, when everything is said and done, the ultimate goal, the reason, the purpose, what it is all about... is God! always have, always will...
disclaimer: the "secret" can be applied in any situation you're in :'}
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