I've been on and on and on, on how i miss thanksgiving and operation christmas child and i love how God comfort me and rebuke me at the same time :)
Thanksgiving day fall on Nov 24th this year, and in Indo, the thursday is just like any other thursday, no holiday, no celebration, no greetings, nothing.
And i do feel a little down after seeing retreat pictures on facebook and how awesome i heard it was :D and how my friend gather for dinner together :(
But, God reminds me that it just like any other day here, because everyday is a thanksgiving day, and that everyday deserve a thanksgiving. I should make it special because: (Psalm 118:24)
24 This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Operation Christmas Child collection week is on November too :( and i put the status on my fb -> I miss operation christmas child :( and a friend actually commented and said i should do one in indo.
So i thought instead of feeling pathetic maybe i really should :p
I contacted Samaritan's Purse and ask if there's possible way i can do it from indo and if it possible directed towards kids in indonesia, because i know indo is on the list of the countries that get the shoeboxes.
After 2 weeks they replied and unfortunately i still have to send the gifts to US HQ or Australia(nearer) but it doesn't make sense to do that, i will waste a lot on shipping. I do understand the concern though, they probably wanna make sure if the gifts are up to certain qualifications because if not then the organization might get in trouble.
Yossi was also on board with this program, and she really pushes me, i probably won't do it if it's only me. we finally opt out to local organization, this is not an easy process as well because i really wanna do it for an organization that really needs it! and i don't know which one and i don't have the connection and finally got a yes from an organization. We worked with Sahabat Anak that helps street-kids to study. On the particular location that we worked with, they literally meet under the bridge of a highway between a mall and university. They don't have a room to study. I wonder how, with the hectic and the traffic of Jakarta. They are actually christian based and most of the teacher are christians too, but the kids they teach are obviously not.
I did ask them if it's ok to put traktat or christmas card with the message of Jesus, but we didn't get a yes on this one. :( although i know that what matter most is the message of Jesus and not the material gifts that we give, i have to follow the rule, because i can't let them get in trouble because of us and this program we're doing. But i know God miraculous ways of maybe speaking to the kids through material stuff, something amazing that i can't even think of can come out of this. Amen! (just like our offering, God can use the money we give for His greatness)
When asked to come up with a name for the program i came up with Act On Love (AOL) and Gift of Giving (GOG) and yossi wasn't sure on both, so finally Secret Santa, a game of giving christmas gifts, that usually done in a group, voluntary and anonymous.
We're introducing the program today
yossi doing the emotional stuff, on why we're doing this
and i'm doing the technical stuff on how-tos that way i won't cry in front of people i don't know :D
honestly we didn't get a great/good response from people, even from people i expect they would be
but i pray for God to work, touch each and every heart according to each and every need. Because this is all for Him. The response that we expect is only from God, that is our focus, our very reason for doing this, our energy for us to be able to do this today. Not the crowd nor the preparation that make us secure, but You and You alone.
I totally aware that our idea is not original, but please know that our intention is genuine T.T
I pray that people would understand the cause and that they will give not because they know us or not because we invited them but they'll give for the cause. a good cause. sincerely.
Just maybe one day, just like operation christmas child, we can also provide the need of more kids, more than 120 kids that we're giving now. and one day the door might just be open that we can give more than the material gifts. Or maybe even one day operation christmas child can have a base in indonesia.
Right now, i just have to be faithful in this little things given :)
Thank you God <3 for letting me be a part of your love-plan <3